Recorded Teachings From the KSC Library


Lamas Sunday TEachings at KSC

Audio recordings of teachings that were offered during Calm Abiding and Tonglen Sundays. Enjoy!


Teachers Prepare Us for Mahamudra


Meditation distractions & War and Peace

Lojong - Point 3, Slogan 13 - Be grateful to everyone

Lojong - Point 3, Slogan 12

- Drive all blames into one revisited

Lojong - Point 3, Slogans 14-16 - Four Kayas, Four Practices...



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Celebrating Saga Dawa

Lama Yeshe shares the story of the Buddha’s Awakening & Lama Liza leads the recitation of Aspiration Prayers

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche visited the Rogue Valley in late April, 2022. During that time, he shared a teaching and answered questions with sangha members at KSC.


  Thursday Calm Abiding Meditations and Teachings

Audio recordings of teachings from the Calm Abiding Thursday meditations


The Four Immeasurables

Resting in Stillness

Intro to the Joyful Effort Practice Group

Perseverance and the Three Vehicles


 Guided Meditations

Meditations Led By KSC’s Teachers

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Lama Pema—Calm Abiding Meditation

Lama Yeshe—Calm Abiding Meditation

Lama Liza—Calm Abiding Meditation

Lama Pema—Tonglen Meditation



Embracing Challenge as the Path of Awakening

These classes were offered live at a sliding scale of $0-$20. If you feel they are of benefit to you, please consider making a donation


Week 1: Welcoming One’s Experience

Week 2: Precision, Gentleness & Letting Go

Week 3: Shenpa — getting hooked

Week 4: Tonglen — Taking-and-Sending

Week 5: Special Event with Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche

Week 6: three objects, three poisons, three seeds of virtue